Nuclear bombshell could FINALLY crack infamous DB Cooper case... and tragic clue that suggests 'wink-and-nod' about his motive

Nuclear bombshell could FINALLY crack infamous DB Cooper case... and tragic clue that suggests 'wink-and-nod' about his motive
Microscopic evidence gleaned from a clip-on tie left behind by mysterious plane hijacker DB Cooper has the case's lead independent investigators turned in a new direction that could finally unmask the suspect, Daily Mail can reveal. On November 24, 1971, a well-dressed, middle-aged man identifying himself as Dan Cooper hijacked Northwest Airlines Flight 305 during a trip between Portland, Oregon, and Seattle, Washington. Cooper told a flight attendant that he had a bomb in his briefcase and demanded $200,000 in stacks of $20 bills and four parachutes in exchange for the lives of the 42 people on board.
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