All the signs your coworker has had secret plastic surgery: From 'bat' ears to 'bunny' nose and a subtle hairstyle giveaway

New Photo - All the signs your coworker has had secret plastic surgery: From 'bat' ears to 'bunny' nose and a subtle hairstyle giveaway

All the signs your coworker has had secret plastic surgery: From 'bat' ears to 'bunny' nose and a subtle hairstyle giveaway

You sit next to them every day and think you know everything about them. But one day your coworker comes into the office and something seems 'off'. Suddenly, their hair is up in a ponytail for the first time in months or they started growing out their beard. Maybe they appear more youthful and alert, or less expressive. It might not be your imagination. It could be a sign your coworker has had secret plastic surgery.
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